How to create a spiritual routine

I totally get it; when you see a title like this, it might sound like a 2-hour routine, and your first thought might be, “Ain’t nobody got time for that, hun!” But, hold on, keep reading, because you are SO wrong.

NOTE: In this text, I use the word “women” a lot, and you’ll come across some codes that might be unfamiliar, like idwomen & bd women, along with just women. Here’s what I mean by those codes: idwomen = people who identify as women – bdwomen = the female physical body – women = both of them together, including trans-women, cis-women, and agender women.

We are truly magical creatures experiencing this human life. We are like seeds of the universe, interconnected in ways we can’t always see. When you dive into spirituality, you amplify this cosmic connection.

You become more open to insights from the spiritual realm.

This connection is ancient and essential, especially for idwomen. We tend to be naturally more in tune with the universe; our intuition is on point, and we have a better grasp of our emotions and thoughts. When we enter a room, you can bet the energy shifts. As for the bdwomen, our hormones follow a rhythm that aligns with the moon’s phases. It’s only natural that as the day winds down, we get a bit more tired.

Women, in general, are often labeled as “crazy,” “overreacting,” or worse when we listen to our intuition and speak our truth. We learn from a young age that trusting, hearing, and voicing our inner wisdom and emotions is somehow wrong or not “true.”

To rebirth as strong, independent women, we absolutely need to tune into our spiritual and goddess radio channel. The patriarchal society has tried EVERYTHING to disconnect us from this universal power, but they can’t succeed. Fortunately, we’re now in an era where it’s SAFE for us to learn how to reclaim this potent tool.

So, don’t let it slip away.

First, you’ll need to sit with yourself. Everything always starts there, no matter how casual it sounds. 😄 Then, you’re going to ask out loud, “Show me what my spiritual routine for this month could look like.” Whatever thoughts, feelings, or ideas pop into your head, write them down. And remember, no judgment allowed for anything that comes up.

Next, if you’d like, make a list of the things you’ll try this week and note when you plan to do them. I highly recommend noting these down on your calendar and doing a little happy dance after each one, so you know you’ve stuck to it for X days. Also, make sure to record how these practices make you feel.

Now, I’m not the kind of witch who’s going to tell you exactly what to do because I’m smart enough to know that what works for me might not work for you. You’ll need some trial and error before you find the spiritual routine that fits your lifestyle and gives you the most out of it.

Personally, I change mine kind of often; my spiritual routine isn’t set in stone. This month, I’m trying to do yoga and prayer in the morning before anything else. For the past month, I was waking up and journaling, then reading before starting my day. Now, it looks more like this:
– Waking up at 3 AM
– Listening to affirmations while sipping my pre-workout power juice
– Yoga
– Giving thanks and saying my prayers
– Reading if my little one hasn’t woken up yet

I like it this way; it makes me feel really good and connected. Sometimes, I’ll even add candles and incense for that extra magic. Trust yourself, try something new—there’s no way you can mess it up. 😉

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